Vertigo - Causes and Treatment
Vertigo is a common medical ailment that gives the feeling of being rocked, whirled or objects moving around when actually they are still. It usually occurs due to inflammation of the inner ear or problems in its balancing function. Sometimes, it may also arise due to issues in certain brain areas. Symptoms of Vertigo include dizziness, disorientation issues, a feeling of being in spin and giddiness. The continued symptoms sometimes result in vomiting and tinnitus (ringing sound in the ears).
Causes of Vertigo
- Labyrinthitis - Viral or bacterial infections in the inner ear which may also result in hearing loss.
- Head injury that is either ignored or inappropriately addressed.
- Vestibular Neuronitis- Inflammation of vestibular nerve which connects the inner ear to the brain. This nerve transmits messages and controls the balancing function.
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which is triggered by certain head movements.
- Meniere’s disease – A rare condition that affects the inner ears resulting in hearing loss, tinnitus and a high pressure feeling in the ear(also called aural fullness).
- Side effects caused due to certain medications.
Vertigo Treatment
A plethora of treatments are available for Vertigo and the precision of the cure is being enhanced day by day, thanks to the new inventions in modern medical science.
1. Medications
- During the initial stages, the Vertigo symptoms can be treated with a variety of medications like oral medicines, patches placed on the skin, intravenous (IV) drugs and suppository.
- Specific remedies like
- Antibiotics for infection of middle or inner ear.
- Giving low salt diets and medications for increasing urinary output for Meniere’s Disease patients.
- Surgical remedies are suggested by ENT (Ear Nose Throat) specialists for recurring/persistent infections due to holes in the inner ear.
2. Certain Physical Therapies are recommended mostly for BPPV patients like
- ‘Epley maneuver’ which is a vestibular rehabilitation therapy .This is an exercise wherein the patient is required to sit on the table edge and then lie down to one side. This step is repeated multiple times on the same and opposite sides until the vertigo symptoms diminish.
- Particle repositioning in which the head is repositioned to ensure the restoration of tiny displaced stones in the vestibular system of inner ear to normal position. This repetitive exercise is done until abnormal eye movements’ stop.
3. Self-Care Measures and Remedies at home
(To be adopted at home after appropriate diagnosis of vertigo and under adequate medical supervision.)
(To be adopted at home after appropriate diagnosis of vertigo and under adequate medical supervision.)
- Doing a modified version of ‘Epley maneuver’ at home after receiving proper instructions from therapists.
- Taking vitamin D supplements (specifically for BPPV patients).
- Consuming plenty of fluids daily.
- Using natural herbal remedies like ginger and coriander.
- Undergoing Acupuncture Therapy for some types of vertigo.
- Avoiding substances that adversely affect blood circulation like tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.
- Additionally, some essential oils like ginger, peppermint, lavender and frankincense may relieve vertigo symptoms.