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Saturday 30 July 2022

What are the main concerns while taking your child to an audiologist?

Hearing Loss in Children:

Hearing is very important for children, as hearing is the first step to speaking. But some suffer from hearing disabilities right from their birth or childhood. They find it difficult to speak or develop languages. If your infant or kid is having hearing impairments or hearing loss, he/she will show the following signs.

  • Does not respond to sounds
  • Does not make babbling sounds
  • Speech is delayed
  • Speech is not clear
  • Difficulty identifying the source of sounds or speech
These are some of the common signs that you might trace in your child if he/she is victimized by hearing issues.

Hearing loss happens due to various causes. It cannot be denied that these children suffer a lot until they are treated. Through treatment, some aid can be given to make the child hear.

Consulting an Audiologist:

It can be a tougher situation to see your young one suffering from hearing impairments in children. But you are not helpless. An audiologist is someone whom you should be consulting to get the right guidance for your child.

Asking questions to your audiologist is the most important step while taking your child to the audiologist. You may not know everything and it is totally fine. You can ask the audiologist about the severity of your child’s hearing loss. You can ask him/her to explain to you the terms sensorineural, conductive, mixed, mild, moderate, severe, profound, and auditory neuropathy. You can ask if both the ears are affected, and what can be done for the child’s communication and education. You can ask what you should do as a parent to make your child’s life comfortable. You can ask about the parental support groups that can aid you in bringing up your child. You can request him/her to educate you on the options to treat your child’s hearing loss.

In most cases, hearing loss is treatable. Consult an audiologist to receive the appropriate treatment for your child’s hearing condition. Consulting an audiologist is better than consulting an otolaryngologist. An otolaryngologist focuses on complex medical issues related to the ear, nose and throat, whereas an audiologist is an expert who assesses and identifies the hearing disorder and provides you medical solutions. You can take the liberty to clarify your doubts before accepting any treatment or helping aids.

You can expect the audiologist to carry out several tests to analyze the level of hearing loss of your child. Audiometry tests, tympanometry, acoustic reflexes, otoacoustic emissions, speech audiometry, and word recognition are some of the common tests used by audiologists to assess the severity of hearing loss in your child. Following the assessment, treatment will be carried out. 

How will it be treated:

After analyzing the situation of your child your audiologist might come out with the following solutions.

Cochlear Implant:

The cochlear implant is not similar to hearing aids. A hearing aid amplifies the sound to be sensed by the damaged ears. It is a small, electronic device that aids in hearing impairments. The cochlear implant is done through both surgery and significant therapy. However, it should be understood that the device helps to hear and doesn’t restore hearing.

Bone Bridge Implant:

A bone bridge implant is used to treat conductive, mixed, or unilateral hearing loss. As it is completely placed under the skin, it doesn’t cause any open wounds or maintenance for the skin. This is the first of its kind in the world.

Speech Therapy:

From the name itself, it is evident that speech therapy trains people with speaking disabilities to communicate without any hurdles. We are well aware that, at times, hearing impairments might also lead to speaking disabilities. This training is given by a speech therapist. Speech therapy is given in the cases of hearing impairments as well. Speech therapists also collaborate with audiologists in the treatment of hearing loss.

The treatment of hearing loss is limitless. There are several ways to treat hearing loss. You also have options like assistive listening devices, frequency modulation systems, and infrared listening devices to aid your kid’s hearing loss with high-quality hearing assistance. At times, a facial nerve monitor reduces the risks taking place during ENT treatments is used. Consult an audiologist before carrying out any treatment.

If your kid is suffering from hearing loss and you are searching for an ENT hospital in Coimbatore, then visit Vikram ENT Hospital. We have the best ENT doctors in Coimbatore to provide world-class treatment.

Monday 20 June 2022

Steps to Avoid Music-Induced Hearing Loss

World music day celebrates the magic of art in the midsummer season with the beauty of songs. This day spotlights the ethnic identities of different beliefs and makes people heal and connect with their emotions that aren't expressed by words. The theme of this year “Music at the intersections”, entails the value of cultivating people's love for music and enjoying it with everyone. Regardless of language, experience the joy of music with every form of rhythm that relaxes your soul.

When listening to music, the noise levels should be kept at a healthy limit to experience the right musical patterns; otherwise, the ear's comfort will be compromised and left with temporary hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is considered the leading cause of ear complications. Substantial alterations in sound intensity and vibration outputs will indicate a link between hearing impairment. High sound transmission into the ear can cause structural damage as well as disrupt the central auditory system, making sound processing difficult. However, specific healing techniques, on the other hand, may assist in keeping track of your personal ear health and may help to avoid compromising the hearing in certain circumstances. The following suggestions will assist you in avoiding noise-induced hearing loss.

Relax your ears

Increased sound levels necessitate both high pitch and extensive exposures that will create permanent damage to the ears. So, it is necessary to regain your hearing health by being aware and relaxing your ears without any interruptions before they are damaged. Hearing loss on mental health needs a healthy and peaceful environment with balanced pressure for boosting well-being. Ear massage releases the feel-good hormone which aids in pain relief and eliminates the discomfort by providing good functioning of the body.

Use noise-canceling headphones

Instead of normal earbuds, invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones that can block out ambient noise, allowing you to hear music more clearly and reducing the urge to turn up the volume. With enabled hearing protection, it helps to protect your hearing health to some extent and passively blocks some undesirable sounds from entering the ear. Noise-canceling earbuds combine cutting-edge design and technology to block out background noise while preserving a bandpass filter, which is beneficial to auditory health.

Check your ears

If you have any of the following symptoms, make an appointment with your ENT doctor for a hearing test:

  • Suffering from dizziness and hearing loss
  • Conversations are difficult to hear
  • Frequently exposed to the loud noise environment
  • Hearing ringing in your ears regularly
Staying away from loud noises will help you avoid more damage. Consider getting a hearing aid treatment if your condition is serious enough. If you observe a sudden change in your hearing health, consult a specialist from Vikram ENT Hospital in Coimbatore. This could indicate that your body is dealing with something more severe.

Maintain a low loudness

Where do you draw the line between being too loud and being too quiet? If you have to shout to drown out the noise, it's loud enough to damage your hearing. Automobiles, concert amplifiers, machine tools like woodworking and compressors, audio equipment, and other loud noises are all audible which affects the hearing capacity by interrupting the sensory system. The effects of hearing loss are stimulated by loud noises, they fail to deliver messages to the brain as effectively as they should, so try to avoid loud noises.

Nourishment and wellness go a long way toward improving your health and working at its best. Vitamins aid in the reduction of inflammation, the prevention of hearing loss, and even the strengthening of the delicate bones in your ear. Keeping your vitamin E levels high can protect your neurons, circulatory system, and ear cells from injury. Vitamins, potassium, zinc, and magnesium-rich foods can help prevent hearing loss, minimize tinnitus, and improve hearing sensitivity. Fish, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and red meat are all vital for your hearing health and can help you avoid noise-induced hearing loss.

Remove earwax

The buildup of wax in your eardrum can cause sound to be distorted. Cleaning them out with a clean cloth, on the other hand, might drive wax deeper into the pores, causing a significant problem. Instead, use an at-home cleaning kit to soften the wax and then slowly wash it away to avoid earwax becoming compacted.

Monday 30 May 2022

How to treat Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops and resumes while you are sleeping. If left untreated, it can lead to loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and more serious issues such as heart disease or high blood pressure. This condition is different from regular, or primary, snoring. Primary snoring can be caused by nose or throat conditions, sleep habits (especially back sleeping), being overweight or of advanced age, or the use of alcohol or other depressants.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The early signs of obstructive sleep apnea are frequently undetectable. Instead, your partner may bring them to your attention. The following are the most common signs and symptoms:

  • Snoring
  • During the day, you may feel tired or sleepy.
  • Regular nightly awakenings or restlessness while sleeping.
  • If you wake up with a dry mouth or a painful throat.
  • Suddenly waking up after gasping or choking
  • Concentration issues, forgetfulness, or irritability.
  • Anxiety or depression?
  • I need to go to the bathroom frequently at night.
  • Sweats at night
  • Sexual impotence
  • Headaches
Effects of Sleep Apnea

Untreated sleep apnea can lead to major medical problems like, daytime exhaustion, Sleep apnea might cause you to wake up frequently. This can make it difficult to get a good sleep. This might cause daytime tiredness and irritability. Daytime weariness can make you fall asleep at work or school, increasing your chances of being involved in a car or workplace accident. heart problems or high blood pressure. During sleep, sudden dips in blood oxygen levels can raise your blood pressure and stress your cardiovascular system. Obstructive sleep apnea can also increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and irregular heartbeats. Doctors discovered that metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, excessive blood sugar, and a larger waistline) can increase the risk of heart disease. People with sleep apnea may have abnormal liver function test findings. They're also more prone to having scarring on their livers.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

If you have sleep apnea, your doctor will recommend treatment based on the severity of your disease. In moderate cases, lifestyle adjustments may be all that is required. They can advise you to lose weight, quit smoking, or take medication for nasal allergies (if you have any).

Treatment for Snoring

When air cannot flow freely through the mouth or nose, snoring occurs. Soft tissues in the mouth, nose, and throat bump into each other and vibrate when air is driven through a congested area. A rattling, snorting, or groaning sound is produced by the vibrations. Snoring can cause sleep disruption. Snoring that is loud and persistent (chronic) can indicate a dangerous condition called obstructive sleep apnea.

Remedies for curing snoring include:
  • Snoring can be reduced by avoiding alcohol before bed, adjusting your sleeping position, and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Cold and allergy drugs help you breathe more easily by relieving nasal congestion.
  • Nasal strips are flexible bands that adhere to the outside of your nose and help to keep nasal passageways open.
  • Oral appliances hold your jaw in the appropriate posture as you sleep, allowing air to circulate freely. Your doctor may refer to it as a mouth guard or mouth gadget. A mouth guard for other uses, such as sports, will not stop snoring.
Laser Surgery for Snoring

Surgery to reduce or remove extra tissue or address a structural defect is sometimes used to cure snoring and sleep disturbance. Many of these treatments are non-invasive. You may be able to go home the same day if your physician uses minor incisions. Snoring surgery comprises the following procedures:
  • LAUP (laser-assisted uvula palatoplasty): LAUP increases airflow by reducing tissue in the soft palate.
  • Radio frequency ablation: This involves using radio frequency energy to shrink extra tissue in the soft palate and tongue.
  • Septoplasty: This operation straightens the nose's deviated septum. A septoplasty involves altering the cartilage and bone in the nose to increase airflow.
  • The surgeon removes extra tissue from the back of the neck or the back of the nose.
The Best ENT hospital in Coimbatore

Vikram ENT Hospital is a top-rated ENT Specialist Hospital in Coimbatore, where the greatest ENT doctors in Coimbatore practice and research in order to provide patients with the best possible care. Today's scientific breakthroughs will become tomorrow's treatment, and Vikram ENT Hospital has been a global leader in this field. Their objective is to deliver cutting-edge therapies for ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions. They offer cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment options based on decades of study. In summary, its main goal is to maintain its position as a global leader in ENT care.

Monday 25 April 2022

How to protect your sense of smell?

A sense is a complex network which connects several biological entities used by an organism for sensation, the process of collecting information around us and responding to it. The brain receives signals from the senses and interprets these signals and causes the body to respond. Traditionally there are five sense which include sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. This sensory system is very much important for human survival, each sense organs are important in one or other way, sense of sight is important because it helps us to see the environment around us and interact with other human beings. The sense of smell is very important because it helps to pick up scents. The sense of taste helps us in aid of digestion and helps to pick the good food to eat. The sense of touch helps to detect heat or cold and prevents metabolism and internal processes, and the sense of hearing is the most important sense as it helps us to communicate with people around us. Each of these senses are important as it helps us to read the environment and keep ourselves and others safe. As we age our senses change but there are ways to protect them.

Sense of smell and taste:

  • The loss of smell and taste is termed as Anosmia.
  • The complete loss of smell is Anosmia and partial loss of smell is termed as Hyposmia.
  • The main causes for anosmia in younger adult is head injury (accident) that would destroy the nerves that pass through nasal cavity which connects the brain.
  • The main causes for Anosmia in older adults are Viral infections and Alzheimer disease.
  • Regular usage of certain drugs will also cause Anosmia.
  • Other reason for the loss of taste is vitamin B deficiency.
  • Smell and taste disorders include the disability to smell or taste specific substances that are sweet, sour, bitter and salt.
Symptoms of Anosmia:
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal inflammation
  • Respiratory infections
  • Familiar things lack odor
Sense of sight:
  • The main cause for sudden loss of sense of sight is failure of media opacity and optic nerve diseases.
  • Hypoxia and retinal diseases also can lead to loss of blindness.
Sense of hearing:
  • Hearing loss may be full or partial, the main cause for loss of hearing is due to an impaired sensory system and long-term exposure to noises.
Sense of touch:
  • One of the main reasons in loss of sense of touch is ageing and age-related issues.
  • Hypoesthesia or numbness is a common effect of loss of sense of touch.
How to protect your sense of smell?
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol should be avoided because it affects the sense of smell.
  • Avoid using scents, perfumes, soaps, deodorants and cleaning products with strong fumes and harmful chemicals regularly as the chemicals in these products may make you lose the sense of smell.
  • Smelling gentle aromas like rose, eucalyptus, clove and lemon few minutes every day would help you to protect your sense of smell.
Treatment for Anosmia:
  • The treatment for Anosmia is decongestants, antihistamines, steroid nasal sprays, reducing exposure to nasal irritants and cessation of smoking.
  • People with Anosmia can loss interest in eating which may lead to malnutrition and weight loss.
  • Anosmia caused by a nasal polyp can be treated by removing the polyp.
ENT Treatments:
  • ENT specialists can diagnose and treat conditions that affects eating, swallowing, hearing, speech problems and nasal infections. Trauma, tumor in head neck and throat can also be treated by an ENT specialist.
  • ENT specialist can help you with wide range of treatment for problems affecting your ear, nose and throat.
  • The treatment process of Anosmia starts with consulting a ENT specialist with a complete nasal examination. Consulting a best ENT specialist is very much necessary while treating anosmia, the recommendation form the best ENT specialized doctors are available in Vikram ENT Hospital.
  • The complete consultant and recovery solution for any ear, nose and throat related diseases would be Vikram ENT Hospital in Coimbatore.
  • Complete care our sensory organs are also necessary as it helps in our daily life, sensory organs impairment can be cure if diagnosed early.

Monday 21 March 2022

Otolaryngologist and Audiologist: Know your Specialist

Hearing is one of our most important senses. Hearing is a miracle that allows you to receive information, communicate, listen to music, and feel the sounds around you.

Ears are a vital part of the human body, performing functions such as hearing and maintaining body balance. The most common problems are ear infections. Hearing loss caused by ageing is common in the elderly. According to research, one in every three adults over the age of 65 suffers from age-related hearing loss.

We must be conscious of the essential tips for maintaining our ear health and schedule regular check-ups with health professionals. A patient who wants to take care of their ear health will usually be referred to an audiologist and an otolaryngologist.

An audiologist is a medical professional who specializes in the treatment of hearing and ear health issues. Audiologists must have a master's degree in audiology from a recognized board. Audiologists are not doctors, but rather health professionals who have expertise in audiology. They detect, assess, and treat hearing, stability, and other neural system disorders. Audiologists do not perform surgery or give medication.

An otolaryngologist is a physician who specializes in the treatment of ear, throat, and nose problems. Otolaryngology is a medical field concerned with the ears, nose, and throat. Because specialists are trained in both medicine and surgery, it is also known as otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. An otolaryngologist, also known as an ENT, is a doctor who specializes in the ears, nose, and throat.

Both audiologists and ENT doctors deal with outer ear and inner ear concerns. Both are capable of making diagnoses and administering a variety of interventions. An audiologist, on the other hand, will be more knowledgeable about how these body systems relate to your hearing instead of just your overall health.

Audiologists assess a patient's hearing ability, clean the earwax, and assist in the repair of hearing aids. If the patient's condition is more concerned, he or she will be referred to an otolaryngologist. Audiologists are the first line of interaction for hearing complications.


Early detection helps seniors avoid total hearing loss. Implants and operations may assist seniors who have lost their ability to hear due to ageing in regaining their hearing ability. The following are some of the procedures performed by implant otology.

  • Cochlear implant

For those who have a hearing impairment or deficiency, cochlear implant surgery is a very useful treatment. A receiver-stimulator is implanted on the inside of the patient's ear. The cochlear implant is a simple and quick surgical procedure.

  • Bone Bridge implant 

The use of a bone bridge implant can aid in the treatment of a variety of ENT-related difficulties. A bone bridge implant is typically used to treat hearing loss in one ear. This is a simple outpatient operation in which an audio processor is attached both in and out of the ear.

Vikram ENT Hospital and Research Institute- Taking exceptional care to provide the best quality treatments possible by utilizing the most advanced medical technological tools for ENT procedures. Vikram ENT is an ENT hospital in Coimbatore with well-equipped cutting-edge medical technology to provide precise care to patients. Here are the technologies that support safe and quality procedures.

  • Facial Nerve Monitor: This is a technological facility dedicated to ENT services for patients. Using a Facial Nerve Monitor has become critical to reducing the possible risks of nerve impairments that are common in all medical surgeries, including ENT surgery. Accidental nerve damage can be greatly reduced by using a Facial Nerve Monitor.
  • Audiology lab: Entering an audiology lab is inevitable when it comes to clearly and effectively solve all types of hearing impairments. An experienced audiologist's efficient and professional intervention will make the patients' sufferings less challenging.
  • Laser-assisted ENT surgery: In ENT Surgeries, equipment such as the KTP 532 laser, CO2 laser, and Carl Zeiss Sensera Microscope ensure and support precise procedures.
Vikram ENT is indeed one of the best and globally recognized ENT specialist treatment centres in Coimbatore, established by the best ENT professionals in India, with skilled audiologists and otolaryngologists to treat hearing-related concerns. Providing patient-centred care and promoting the senior’s wellbeing.

If your senior is experiencing hearing impairment, it is best to conduct a check up and see a specialist as soon as possible.

Friday 25 February 2022

Improve Your Sleep Quality: Solutions for Sleep Disorders

Tossing looks good on coins, not so good on you. But unfortunately, many people today are tossing and turning around on their bed in the hope of finding sleep.

Call it insomnia, sleep deprivation, or sleep apnea - today’s generation is experiencing sleep-related issues than any other.

It has become so common that getting a good night’s sleep is considered as a boon and people who didn’t get it are doomed. Why so? Let’s find out.

The ABCs of Sleep

Ever wondered what is sleep? Why should we sleep at all? The answer for these questions is really interesting.

The Definition of Sleep

By definition sleep is a state of mind and body characterized by an altered sense of consciousness, reduced physical activities and an inhibited state of sensory awakeness.

We need sleep for growth, to conduct important nerve functions that include memory, intelligence, and the very ability to think.

The Science of Sleep

Brain chemicals, also known as neurotransmitters, decide whether one should be awake or doze off. And they take this call depending on the neurons they are currently on.

  • If they are on the brainstem - Serotonin and norepinephrine are produced to keep the person awake.
  • If they are at the base of the brain - Simply turns off the signals which otherwise keep us awake.

Even though we have gained some deep insights on the science of sleep, there is so much to learn about this unique state of body and mind that everyone needs sufficiently.

The Impact of Lack of Sleep

The cumulative impact of sleep-related issues are closely associated with a range of chronic health issues that have deleterious outcome.

Starting from increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, sleep disorders can open doors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular issues by creating blocks in the arteries.

There is concrete evidences that claim 7 out of 15 chronic and dangerous health issues are triggered by lack of sleep or inadequate sleep.

Besides the physical issues, sleep is the prime reason behind mental issues that include mood swings, being cranky, demotivated and depression.

How Much is Not Much

Some surveys state 8 hours is the sweet spot for a good sleep and some state it’s 9 hours. But only the individual knows how much ‘ZZZ’ time he or she needs.

Sufficient sleep rejuvenates the body and mind. If you are feeling relaxed and refreshed after a night’s sleep, maintain the same sleep routine.

Sleep is as important as food or physical activity. Finding the food and workout choices that suit your body type takes time. It is the same with quality sleep as well.

Tips to Improve Sleep and Its Quality

We are all born sleepers and the ability of sleep should come naturally. If we are finding it difficult to do it, we have messed it up somewhere for so long!

But fret not. You can bring in things into order by following the most followed sleep enhancing tips. However, if your lack of sleep has turned into a disorder, you should consider sleep therapy.

Everything On the Clock -
  • Discipline in life can cure many illnesses, including sleep depravity. Follow a strict sleep routine to cure most of your sleep deprivation.
  • Eat right at the right time, exercise daily in the morning and evening.
  • Have enough exposure to your body under the sun and completely avoid watching mobile, laptop or TV screen at least 2 hours before sleep.
  • Melatonin is responsible for sleep. And minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus enhance sleep quality.
  • Foods such as almonds, walnuts, fatty fish and turkey are great natural resources for these two sleep-enhancing sources and many others.
  • Drinking passionflower tea and chamomile tea, and kiwi fruit juice can also help with your sleep.
Exercises for Sleep -
  • Exercise is a great way to release mental and physical stress and a stress-free body can go to sleep with ease.
  • It can be a long walk or jog - sweat enough outdoors everyday morning and evening for better quality sleep in the night.
  • If you practice yoga, there is nothing like that to get good sleep. Breathing yogic practices such as padmasana, vajrasana and meditation not only keep you away from medications but also increase your sleep quality.
Stay Positive
  • The word ‘positive’ is probably the most used term in wellness blogs like this. It’s not easy to stay positive always.
  • But this one trick can help you remain calm even in the situations that make you restless and stressful.
  • Practice the art of acting to things instead of reacting. Reaction is uncalled and action is always welcomed!
These sleep recommendations can help you have some shuteye only to an extent. If you are still tossing around at night, think of consulting a sleep specialist.  Consider Vikram ENT Hospital - An ENT specialty hospital that has been deep rooted in consulting and treating all ENT related issues!

Friday 21 January 2022

5 Signs you should Visit an ENT Specialist Right Now!

An otolaryngologist or otherwise commonly known as the ENT specialist, is a highly trained medical practitioner who treats conditions related to ear, nose, and throat. They are experts and experienced in general consultation, counseling, and surgery based on the need. One can directly book an appointment with an ENT specialist or consult them upon the recommendation from the general physician.

You might want to see an ENT doctor if you are facing hearing issues, foreign objects in ear, general ear infections, nasal congestion, dust allergy, balance disorder, and ear wax blockage. But when exactly is the right time to make the appointment? Stay with us until the end of the blog to learn more about it.

What exactly does an ENT specialist do?

Otolaryngology is a medical specialty that deals with issues in the neck and head region. The ear, nose, and throat are intricately connected with each other. The middle is connected to the back of the throat and the throat and nose share a direct connection. People with one medical issue in any of these organs can end up having issues with the rest.

What are the ear conditions an ENT specialist treats?

Ear conditions are mostly related to ear infections caused by viruses and bacteria in the middle ear. Also, issues related to balance, hearing disorders, and ear pain. The ENT specialists are also experts in treating congenital ear, nose, and throat issues.

What are the nose issues treated by an ENT specialist?

ENT doctors treat nose conditions that include allergies, nasal masses and tumors, sinus conditions, nose bleeds, nasal fractures, and nasal polyps. They are highly trained in diagnosing and treating issues related to smell and breathing difficulties.

What are the throat conditions an ENT doctor treats?

The throat specialists treat an array of conditions that include tumors in the throat, difficulty in swallowing, issues related to adenoids, voice disorders, tonsillitis, strep throat, sore throat, and issues related to salivary gland.

Apart from the ENT issues, the specialists also provide treatment and manage conditions such as air blocks due to GERD, tumors in the neck and head region, trauma, deformities, and issues with facial movements.

When is the right time to book an appointment with the ENT doctor?

As the organs in the head are interconnected, most of these conditions show symptoms that are identical. More than the adults, it is children who suffer with ENT issues and most children may not be able to voice out the symptoms. It is important for parents to be aware of the symptoms. Here are a few signs that indicate it’s time to see an ENT specialist.

  1. Waking up with a blocked nose - A blocked nose can be a symptom of a common cold and it can also be a symptom of a more serious condition. If your child is waking up with blocked nose or complains about clogged nose regularly, consult with an ENT specialist.
  2. A sore throat that doesn’t go away - Constant sore throat can be a sign of a serious ENT issue and requires immediate medical attention. However, do not assume anything without consulting the doctor. Usually, sore throats that do not go away for more than a week and cause inconvenience even to drink water are considered serious.
  3. Constant ringing sensation in the ear - There are many conditions that show this symptom. In most cases, it can be a symptom of tinnitus. If you are experiencing episodes of it for more than a couple of days, ensure you reach out for proper diagnosis and treatment from an ENT hospital.
  4. Episodes of hearing loss for more than a week - Temporary hearing loss can happen as a result of listening to loud music or noise for a long time. In most cases, the hearing is restored. If you are experiencing episodes of hearing loss from time and again, it is time to consult an ENT specialist. Persistent hearing loss in children can be a sign of a serious issue.
  5. Throat pain and earache - Minor discomfort and pain are the symptoms of common cold. If your child is complaining about sharp, shooting, and pulsating pain in the ear, you should see an ENT doctor. Earache can happen due to blocks in the ear caused by earwax. If the pain is persistent, then it is because of a serious condition.

How can ENT doctors help?

ENT specialists conduct proper diagnosis and follow proven treatment methods to treat or manage ENT issues. These 5 signs are associated with issues that require proper care and they are persistent.

If you are looking for an ENT hospital in Coimbatore, book an appointment with Vikram ENT. Treating an array of ENT conditions, the hospital provides world-class medical solutions for all types of ears, nose, and throat related issues.

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