Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Sleep Therapy

Sleep is a state of unconsciousness in which the person can be aroused by the sensory stimuli. A good sleep is very much necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and Human body. A man requires about 7-8 hours of sleep, if there is continuous disturbance in the sleep then it may lead to behavioral abnormalities, cardiac diseases like hypertension, stroke and cardiac arrest, metabolic diseases like Diabetes and irritability, restlessness, anger and other altered behavior.

Sleeping also has the positive effects on our human body. It is been proved that in sickness we sleep more just to relax our body and brain and in turn this helps the immune to build up to fight against diseases. This sleep is disturbed by many reasons primarily being the Sleep Apnea and Snoring disorders. This disturbance can be treated by the sleep therapy for the individual causes.

The specialized and trained ENT doctors are striving each day hard to relieve the sleep disorders and get the new innovative devices and therapies for the following diseases.


Snoring is a condition where there is a vibration of sounds due to the airway obstruction of the pharyngeal walls. It may be due to thickening of the walls of pharynx as in Obesity, or due to any other obstructions like large tongue, Tonsillitis, Adenoids, Nasal polyps and Deviated nasal septum. Though sleeping do not have any immediate effects on health, a long time sleep disturbance leads to cardiovascular diseases. It may affect anyone and in any age group. Female attaining Menopause also gets Snoring due to hormonal changes.

Sleep Apnea

When there is a severe obstruction of the air way by the complete air entry stoppage leading to the breath gasping, it leads to a condition called Sleep Apnea. This can be acute attacks with instant air blockage during sleep where the patient gets up from sleep, takes breath and sleeps again. This attacks may be of 10 seconds with repeated frequency of about 30 bouts in a duration of 6 hours of sleep. This Obstructive sleep apnea is a complete sleep disturbance. The patient repeatedly wakes and sleep leading to poor and restless sleep.

The long term effects of Sleep Apnea leads to many accidents like car accidents while driving or industry accidents due to the disturbed sleep and sleeplessness in the previous night. This also leads to the altered and poor performance in the next day work. Other effects also include Heart related diseases like Hypertension, stroke and cardiac arrest.

The sleeplessness disorder may be due to the obesity and other diseases like Adenoids, Nasal polyp, Tonsillitis, large flabby tongue, loose pharyngeal walls and Deviated nasal septum. These diseases are manageable and treatable depending on the cause.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea & Snoring

The sleep apnea treatment depends on managing the cause of the disorder. In severe cases of Obesity, weight reduction can be helpful. Continuous positive air way pressure (CPAP) is administered to the patient, a device where the patient is connected to the ventilator where there is continuous flow of air making him get sound sleep. Though this is most effective it is not well accepted by the patient due to the discomfort.

The treatment of Snoring depends on the cause involved. Surgical methods are followed in cases of any anatomical obstructions like Adenoids, or polyps or Deviated Nasal septum. In some cases with loose pharyngeal walls, tissue tightening or wall stiffening methods are followed. There are even devices like Fitness Trackers which are helpful to record snoring time and proper sleep.

For more information, mail us: / call: +91-422-2550633


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