Monday, 25 April 2022

How to protect your sense of smell?

A sense is a complex network which connects several biological entities used by an organism for sensation, the process of collecting information around us and responding to it. The brain receives signals from the senses and interprets these signals and causes the body to respond. Traditionally there are five sense which include sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. This sensory system is very much important for human survival, each sense organs are important in one or other way, sense of sight is important because it helps us to see the environment around us and interact with other human beings. The sense of smell is very important because it helps to pick up scents. The sense of taste helps us in aid of digestion and helps to pick the good food to eat. The sense of touch helps to detect heat or cold and prevents metabolism and internal processes, and the sense of hearing is the most important sense as it helps us to communicate with people around us. Each of these senses are important as it helps us to read the environment and keep ourselves and others safe. As we age our senses change but there are ways to protect them.

Sense of smell and taste:

  • The loss of smell and taste is termed as Anosmia.
  • The complete loss of smell is Anosmia and partial loss of smell is termed as Hyposmia.
  • The main causes for anosmia in younger adult is head injury (accident) that would destroy the nerves that pass through nasal cavity which connects the brain.
  • The main causes for Anosmia in older adults are Viral infections and Alzheimer disease.
  • Regular usage of certain drugs will also cause Anosmia.
  • Other reason for the loss of taste is vitamin B deficiency.
  • Smell and taste disorders include the disability to smell or taste specific substances that are sweet, sour, bitter and salt.
Symptoms of Anosmia:
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal inflammation
  • Respiratory infections
  • Familiar things lack odor
Sense of sight:
  • The main cause for sudden loss of sense of sight is failure of media opacity and optic nerve diseases.
  • Hypoxia and retinal diseases also can lead to loss of blindness.
Sense of hearing:
  • Hearing loss may be full or partial, the main cause for loss of hearing is due to an impaired sensory system and long-term exposure to noises.
Sense of touch:
  • One of the main reasons in loss of sense of touch is ageing and age-related issues.
  • Hypoesthesia or numbness is a common effect of loss of sense of touch.
How to protect your sense of smell?
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol should be avoided because it affects the sense of smell.
  • Avoid using scents, perfumes, soaps, deodorants and cleaning products with strong fumes and harmful chemicals regularly as the chemicals in these products may make you lose the sense of smell.
  • Smelling gentle aromas like rose, eucalyptus, clove and lemon few minutes every day would help you to protect your sense of smell.
Treatment for Anosmia:
  • The treatment for Anosmia is decongestants, antihistamines, steroid nasal sprays, reducing exposure to nasal irritants and cessation of smoking.
  • People with Anosmia can loss interest in eating which may lead to malnutrition and weight loss.
  • Anosmia caused by a nasal polyp can be treated by removing the polyp.
ENT Treatments:
  • ENT specialists can diagnose and treat conditions that affects eating, swallowing, hearing, speech problems and nasal infections. Trauma, tumor in head neck and throat can also be treated by an ENT specialist.
  • ENT specialist can help you with wide range of treatment for problems affecting your ear, nose and throat.
  • The treatment process of Anosmia starts with consulting a ENT specialist with a complete nasal examination. Consulting a best ENT specialist is very much necessary while treating anosmia, the recommendation form the best ENT specialized doctors are available in Vikram ENT Hospital.
  • The complete consultant and recovery solution for any ear, nose and throat related diseases would be Vikram ENT Hospital in Coimbatore.
  • Complete care our sensory organs are also necessary as it helps in our daily life, sensory organs impairment can be cure if diagnosed early.


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