What are the main concerns while taking your child to an audiologist?
Hearing Loss in Children:
Hearing is very important for children, as hearing is the first step to speaking. But some suffer from hearing disabilities right from their birth or childhood. They find it difficult to speak or develop languages. If your infant or kid is having hearing impairments or hearing loss, he/she will show the following signs.
- Does not respond to sounds
- Does not make babbling sounds
- Speech is delayed
- Speech is not clear
- Difficulty identifying the source of sounds or speech
Cochlear Implant:
The cochlear implant is not similar to hearing aids. A hearing aid amplifies the sound to be sensed by the damaged ears. It is a small, electronic device that aids in hearing impairments. The cochlear implant is done through both surgery and significant therapy. However, it should be understood that the device helps to hear and doesn’t restore hearing.
Bone Bridge Implant:
A bone bridge implant is used to treat conductive, mixed, or unilateral hearing loss. As it is completely placed under the skin, it doesn’t cause any open wounds or maintenance for the skin. This is the first of its kind in the world.
Speech Therapy:
From the name itself, it is evident that speech therapy trains people with speaking disabilities to communicate without any hurdles. We are well aware that, at times, hearing impairments might also lead to speaking disabilities. This training is given by a speech therapist. Speech therapy is given in the cases of hearing impairments as well. Speech therapists also collaborate with audiologists in the treatment of hearing loss.
The treatment of hearing loss is limitless. There are several ways to treat hearing loss. You also have options like assistive listening devices, frequency modulation systems, and infrared listening devices to aid your kid’s hearing loss with high-quality hearing assistance. At times, a facial nerve monitor reduces the risks taking place during ENT treatments is used. Consult an audiologist before carrying out any treatment.
If your kid is suffering from hearing loss and you are searching for an ENT hospital in Coimbatore, then visit Vikram ENT Hospital. We have the best ENT doctors in Coimbatore to provide world-class treatment.

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